Monday, November 26, 2012

Transit Day 5 - Rest Day

Sunday is a rest day for the ELUS team.  There are no planned operations or meetings for the team today.  The Astrium spacecraft team on board the LP will power up the spacecraft and charge the batteries and that is basically it for the day.  Most people will spend the day relaxing in their cabins, offices, reading lounge, ACS bar and cinema.  The ACS will rendezvous with the LP around midnight today and operations will start back up in the morning.   Time to relax, see you tomorrow...


  1. Well deserved rest for the best launch team in the world. You guys will be ready and focused when it comes time to do the critical operations for the mission. Go team!

    1. Thanks Kjell, the ELUS team is ready and working well with the Eutelsat and Astrium teams... These guys are pure professionals and a pleasure to work with!!!


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